How Many Dimples Are On A Golf Ball? [Explained]

Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just hit the driving range every once in a while, you’ve probably wondered how many dimples are on a golf ball. After all, that little white sphere plays a big role in how well your ball travels through the air.

But did you know that there’s actually science behind the number of dimples on a golf ball? And it has everything to do with how efficiently the ball moves through the air.

In this article, we’ll look at how many dimples are there on a ball and a little bit of the science behind it.

Let’s get into it and find out how many dimples are on a golf ball?

How Many Dimples Are On A Golf Ball?

How Many Dimples Are On A Golf Ball?

How Many Dimples Are On A Golf Ball?

There’s no one definitive answer to this question however, the general consensus is that there are around 360 dimples on a golf ball.

It very much depends on the ball manufacturer, who may have a variety of different balls with a range of different dimple sizes and amounts.

An example of this is the Titleist Pro V1 and Titleist Pro V1x, two of the top premium golf balls on the market today. For the 2021 version of these balls, the Pro V1 had 388 dimples and the Pro V1x had 348 dimples.

Why Do Golf Balls Have Dimples?

Let’s take a look at some of the science behind it.

When a golf ball is traveling through the air, the air resistance pushes back against it. This resistance creates drag, which slows the ball down.

The more drag that is created, the harder it is for the ball to travel through the air. This is why golfers use different types of clubs and balls to try and optimise their shots – they want to create as little drag as possible.

Dimples help to reduce drag on a golf ball by creating turbulence in the air as the ball moves through it. This turbulence effectively disturbs the airflow around the ball, breaking up the smooth laminar flow and reducing drag.

In other words, by increasing the surface area of the ball that’s in contact with the air, dimples help create a more turbulent flow of air around the ball and reduce drag. This results in less resistance against the ball as it moves through the air, making it travel farther and faster.

History Of Golf Ball Dimples

Golfers have been using dimpled balls for centuries, but the exact time when they were first used is unknown. Some historians believe that golfers in Scotland started using dimpled balls in the early 1700s, but there is no concrete evidence to support this claim.

What we do know is that golfers have been using dimpled balls for a long time – and for good reason! Dimpled balls create less drag than smooth-surfaced balls, making them travel farther and faster through the air.

Which Golf Ball Dimple Patters Are Right for Me?

When you’re looking for a new golf ball, one of the most important factors to consider is the dimple pattern. But how do you know which dimple pattern is right for you?

First, it’s important to understand what the different dimple patterns are and what they do. Here are the most common types:

Spherical Dimples

These are the most common type of dimple and they exist on almost all golf balls. Spherical dimples are simple, round depressions in the surface of the ball. They help to create turbulence in the air as the ball moves through it, reducing drag and making the ball travel farther and faster.

Micro Dimples

Micro dimples are very small, round depressions that are typically found on high-end golf balls. They help to create even more turbulence around the ball than spherical dimples, reducing drag even further and making the ball fly even better.

Thin Wall Dimples

Thin walled or split line dimples have a thin wall that separates two semi-circular indentations. They were originally designed to improve performance in windy conditions by creating more turbulence around the ball.

Now, it’s all great knowing the differences in dimple types but how does that affect your game?

Well, it doesn’t really. When choosing a ball to play, you’re much better off going by what the different type of balls can do for your game rather than how many or which type of dimples it has.

If you’re after something that goes further, choose a ball with those sort of characteristics as described by the manufacturer.

Alternatively, if you’re after something a little softer which spins more, look for a ball that offers that capability.

Final Thoughts

Golfers have been using dimpled balls for centuries because they create less drag than smooth-surfaced balls. Dimples help to reduce drag on a golf ball by creating turbulence in the air as the ball moves through it, making it travel farther and faster.

Different types of dimples exist, each with their own benefits. When choosing a new golf ball, it’s important to consider the type of dimple pattern that is right for you.

Ultimately, the right golf ball is the one that improves your game.

Ed Welton

Founder, Editor

Ed is the founder and editor at EEE Golf. He’s been playing golf for over 20 years, competing in many top amateur events. He’s played courses all over the world and played with some of the best players in the game. His aim is to help educate people about the game of golf and give insights into the sport he loves most.

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